BrainVoyager Python Developer Guide 0.9
Document Properties
The following properties are exposed by the "DocPyBV" document object, which will be returned by various BrainVoyager application object and document list commands, e.g. after creating or opening a document from file.
dim_x → int
- Description
- This read-only integer property retrieves the dimension of the X axis of the calling document object. For VMR documents, the X axis is interpreted in MNI / Talairach space running from left-to-right and from right-to-left in non-normalized (or generally in the displayed system coordinates); this axis definition assumes that the VMR volume data is in the BrainVoyager's standard sagittal orientation. For FMR and DMR documents, the X dimension corresponds to the number of columns (width) of the measured slices.
dim_y → int
- Description
- This read-only integer property retrieves the dimension of the Y axis of the calling document object. For VMR documents, the Y axis is interpreted in MNI / Talairach space running from posterior-to-anterior and from anterior-to-superior in non-normalized (or generally in the displayed system coordinates); this axis definition assumes that the VMR volume data is in BrainVoyager's standard sagittal orientation. For FMR and DMR documents, the Y dimension corresponds to the number of rows (height) of the measured slices.
dim_z → int
- Description
- This read-only integer property retrieves the dimension of the Z axis of the calling document object. For VMR documents, the Z axis is interpreted as in MNI / Talairach space running from inferior-to-superior and from superior-to-inferior in non-normalized (or generally in the displayed system coordinates); this axis definition assumes that the VMR volume data is in BrainVoyager's standard sagittal orientation. For FMR and DMR documents, the Z dimension is the number of measured slices.
voxel_size_x → float
- Description
- This float property can be used to read and set the spatial resolution of voxels along the X (left-right) axis. The property is only valid for VMR document objects and returns value -1.0 for other document types.
voxel_size_y → float
- Description
- This float property can be used to read and set the spatial resolution of voxels along the Y (posterior-anterior) axis. The property is only valid for VMR document objects and returns value -1.0 for other document types.
voxel_size_z → float
- Description
- This float property can be used to read and set the spatial resolution of voxels along the Z (inferior-superior) axis. The property is only valid for VMR document objects and returns value -1.0 for other document types.
pixelsize_x → float
- Description
- This float property can be used to read and set the spatial resolution of voxels along the X (across columns) axis. The property is valid for FMR and DMR document objects.
pixelsize_y → float
- Description
- This float property can be used to read and set the spatial resolution of voxels along the Y (across rows) axis. The property is valid for FMR and DMR document objects.
slice_thickness → float
- Description
- This float property can be used to read and set the thickness of the measured slices. The property is valid for FMR and DMR document objects.
gap_thickness → float
- Description
- This float property can be used to read and set the thickness of the gap between measured slices. The property is valid for FMR and DMR document objects. Note that the distance between slices is the sum of the slice_thickness and gap_thickness properties.
TR → int
- Description
- This integer property can be used to read and set the volume TR value of FMR document objects. In case that a VTC file has been linked to a VMR document, this property returns the TR value stored in the header of the VTC data.
inter_slice_time → int
- Description
- This integer property can be used to read and set the inter-slice time value of FMR document objects.
has_slice_time_table → bool
- Description
- This boolean read-only property can be used to check if the calling FMR document object has a slice timing table. If the command returns True, the "correct_slicetiming_using_timeingtable()" command can be used for slice timing correction.
n_volumes → int
- Description
- This read-only integer property returns the number of time points of the calling FMR or DMR document object. In case that a VTC or VDW file has been linked to the VMR document, the property returns the number of time points (volumes) of the VTC / VDW data.
n_skipped_volumes → int
- Description
- This read-only integer property returns the number of time points of the calling FMR or DMR document object that were skipped when reading the original MRI data.
file_name → str
- Description
- This read-only string property provides the file name of any loaded or created document. The returned string contains only the file name proper without the path.
path_file_name → str
- Description
- This read-only string property provides the file name of any loaded document. The returned string includes the full path to the directory where the document is stored on disk. The path component delimiter is the "/" character.
path → str
- Description
- This read-only string property provides the path of any loaded document. The returned string contains the full path to the directory where the document is stored on disk. The path component delimiter is the "/" character, which is also the trailing element of the returned path. The returned value can also be derived from the PathFileName property by removing the last (i.e. file name) component.
preprocessd_fmr_name → str
- Description
- This read-only property provides the name of a FMR as it will be stored to disk after preprocessing. This allows to open a preprocessed FMR document from disk directly without the need to construct the file name using the performed preprocessing command and used parameters. Check the "" file for an example.
preprocessd_vtc_name → str
- Description
- This read-only string property provides the name of a VTC after preprocessing. Since a preprocessed file is linked automatically to the hosting VMR after preprocessing, this property simply retireves the VTC path file of the currently linked VTC.
mesh_scene → MeshScenePyBV
- Description
- This read-only property returns the MeshScene object attached to the current VMR document. A mesh scene holds the 3D Viewer (OpenGL) window, which can contain one or more mesh objects. In case that no mesh scene is currently attached to the VMR document, the value "None" will be returned. In case one wants to create a MeshScene object with an empty 3D Viewer, the CreateMeshScene() command of VMR documents can be used.
current_mesh → MeshPyBV
- Description
- This read-only property returns the current mesh in the mesh scene attached to the current VMR document. The value "None" is returned in case that no mesh scene is associated with the document or in case that an associated mesh scene does not contain a mesh object.
current_vtc_file → str
- Description
- This read-only property returns the current vtc file linked to the hostiing VMR document object.
protocol_file → str
- Description
- This read-only property returns the protocol file used by the hosting document's functional (FMR-STC or VMR-VTC) data; the returned string usually includes the full path to the protocol file.
Full documentation of the following properties is coming soon...
str StimulationProtocolExperimentName
int StimulationProtocolResolution
int NrOfStimulationProtocolConditions
int StimulationProtocolBackgroundColorR
int StimulationProtocolBackgroundColorG
int StimulationProtocolBackgroundColorB
int StimulationProtocolTimeCourseColorR
int StimulationProtocolTimeCourseColorG
int StimulationProtocolTimeCourseColorB
int StimulationProtocolTimeCourseThickness
int StimulationProtocolTextColorR
int StimulationProtocolTextColorG
int StimulationProtocolTextColorB
int NrOfSlices
bool SDMContainsConstantPredictor
int FirstConfoundPredictorOfSDM
bool SeparationOfSubjectPredictors
bool SeparationOfStudyPredictors
bool ZTransformStudies
bool ZTransformStudiesBaselineOnly
bool PSCTransformStudies
int CorrectForSerialCorrelations
bool ExtendedTALSpaceForVTCCreation
bool UseBoundingBoxForVTCCreation
int TargetVTCBoundingBoxXStart
int TargetVTCBoundingBoxYStart
int TargetVTCBoundingBoxZStart
int TargetVTCBoundingBoxXEnd
int TargetVTCBoundingBoxYEnd
int TargetVTCBoundingBoxZEnd
int NrOfVOIs
int NrOfROIContrasts
int NrOfPredictorsInSingleStudyDM
int NrOfTimePointsInSingleStudyDM
int NrOfVolumeMaps
Copyright © 2020 Rainer Goebel. All rights reserved.