BrainVoyager Python Developer Guide 0.9

Mesh Scene Properties

The following properties are exposed by the MeshScene object. A MeshScene object holds the 3D Viewer (OpenGL) window, which can contain one or more Mesh objects. A MeshScene object can be retrieved from a VMR document using the MeshScene property or the GetMeshScene() command; in case that no 3D Viewer is attached to the VMR document, the MeshScene property returns 'None', while the GetMeshScene() command creates and returns a new MeshScene object with an associated empty 3D Viewer. Next to the properties described below, a MeshScene object also provides commands that can be used e.g. to access, create and load meshes.



This read-only property retrieves the number of meshes (MeshPyBV objects) available in the calling MeshScene object.


This read-only property retrieves the current MeshPyBV mesh object of the calling mesh scene object or 'None' in case that the mesh scene does not contain any mesh. The obtained MeshPyBV object can be used to access mesh-specific properties and commands. Besides its use in batch scripts, this property provides a quick way to operate on a mesh that has been created or loaded using the GUI.

float viewpoint_pos_x

This property can be used to read and write the current position of the Stage along the X axis. In combination with other viewpoint position and rotation properties, this can be used to create custom views or scene-level animations.

float viewpoint_pos_y

This property can be used to read and write the current position of the Stage along the Y axis. In combination with other viewpoint position and rotation properties, this can be used to create custom views or scene-level animations.

float viewpoint_pos_z

This property can be used to read and write the current position of the Stage along the Z axis. In combination with other viewpoint position and rotation properties, this can be used to create custom views or scene-level animations.

float viewpoint_rot_x

This property can be used to read and write the current rotation of the Stage along the X axis. In combination with other viewpoint position and rotation properties, this can be used to create custom views or scene-level animations.

float viewpoint_rot_y

This property can be used to read and write the current rotation of the Stage along the Y axis. In combination with other viewpoint position and rotation properties, this can be used to create custom views or scene-level animations.

float viewpoint_rot_z

This property can be used to read and write the current rotation of the Stage along the Z axis. In combination with other viewpoint position and rotation properties, this can be used to create custom views or scene-level animations.

int sphere_resolution_cba

This property specifies the resolution of sphere meshes used for cortex-based curvature-driven alignment of cortex meshes. A value of '1' indicates the standard (default) resolution (81920 triangles), value '2' indicates a low resolution (20480 trianges, used e.g. for inverse source modelling of EEG/MEG data), and value '3' indicates a high resolution (327680 triangles), which may be useful when processing high-resolution (sub-millimeter) anatomical data sets. Note that changing the property will have an effect only later, i.e. when new sphere meshes are created during cortex-based alignment.

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