The Main Application Window
The main application window includes three main plots and a layout, frequency, log window:
This plot shows only the selected channels and the averaging of these, if applied. If a protocol or triggers are available, these are visualized in the background as a zone area. The vertical line in the beginning of the zone indicates the start of the condition.
This plot contains the event related averaging (ERA) of the available conditions. The zone surrounding the main curve shows the standard deviation of all epochs.
To inspect all channels at the same time and get more details about the overall signal quality, one can take a look at the all channels plot. The vertical lines encode the start of a condition period.
These three tabs allow to inspect the Layout (if loaded), the frequency spectrum of selected channels, and a log window containing useful information.
It is possible to pan and zoom in all plots. Left click enables the zooming feature and right click enables the panning feature. To reset the pan and zooming, one can use the reset buttons in the left bottom corner. The scroll bar left to the plots allows to zoom in and out to a certain degree.
The sliders below the time course of the selected channels plot and the combined plot for all marked channels allows to inspect the time course of previous frames. If the slider is at the right, it will auto update to the current frame.
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