Real-time Analysis Setup Window
The real-time analysis setup window is separated into several parts and differs in some detail between Real-time Mode and Simulation Mode. First the Real-time Mode interface is shown below.
Spectrogram: The spectrogram gives an overview of the t-test results using the selected GLM parameters in the channel selection and analysis window. Channel 1 (Source 1, Detector 1) is located in the top left of the spectrogram and channel n (Source N, Detector N) in the bottom right.
Analysis settings: The analysis settings allow to change the event related averaging parameters (ER) as well as the Hb/HbO calculation period.
The event related averaging interval length can be adjusted using the spin box right to the ER averaging interval label. The pre-trigger interval defines the timepoint prior to the trial, when the signal should already be shown in the ERA. This only has an effect if a protocol is provided. These parameters are in seconds. The Hb/HbO baseline calculation period defines the epoch that should be used to calculate the baseline for the wavelenght (WL) to Hb/HbO conversion. Only raw WL data will be shown in the plots if the baseline calculation is not finished. After the conversion, the Hb/HbO data will become available and will be shown in the plots. These parameters are in frames.Connection settings: The connection settings contain information about the IP and Port of the PC running NIRStar as well as parameters for the internal network interface of Turbo-Satori, allowing real-time access of fNIRS data from TSI. The network interface is always running and not intended to be turned off at any time. It is possible to connect to Turbo-Satori and access data with multiple clients.
Plot settings: These settings are important visualization settings allowing to inspect the fNIRS data in more detail. The X axis range parameter defines the size of the x axis in the selected channels plot as well as in the all channel plot. If a protocol or triggers are provided it is possible to show or hide the used HRF model for HbO and Hb data using the Show Hb/HbO HRF check boxes. The Plot data check box defines if the data should be plotted or not.
Control settings: These settings control the start and stop of the experiment. A protocol can be provided using the Preload Protocol button. In Simulation Mode, the protocol is automatically loaded from the project information.
The Simulation Mode differs in the connection and control settings. The adjusted menu is shown below.
Network / Data read settings: These settings contain information only available in the Simulation Mode of TSI as well as parameters for the internal network interface, as described above in the connection settings section. The Data Read Frequency slider allows to change the frequency of the data reading during the simulation. If the slider position is at leftmost, the reading frequency is set to the sampling rate, as defined in the header or project. The more you move the slider to the right, the higher the reading frequency. If you move the slider all the way to the right, the data will be processed as fast as possible (fast forward). At the beginning of the experiment, these settings will be changed automatically to the sampling rate of the current experiment. If another experiment is loaded while the slider is at the rightmost position, the new experiment will also be loaded as fast as possible. You can check the loading status using the frame counter in the bottom right of the main window.
Control settings: These settings control the start and stop of the experiment. In Simulation Mode, the protocol is automatically loaded from the project information.
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