Turbo-BrainVoyager v4.4

Settings for GE Signa HDxt Data

The Signa HDxt generation of GE scanners exports incrementally functional data that is suited for real-time processing. The exported data is organized at three hierarchical levels. At the highest level one directory per subject is created with a name like "p1234567"; this "person" folder will contain all data scanned for a specific subject. Within this folder, each separate scanning session (in most cases one) is stored in an exam folder with a name like "e1234568". Within this folder, separate scans (e.g. localizer, structural, functional, diffusion-weighted) are stored in series folders with names like "s1234569". The data is stored slice-by-slice (not in volume containers) so many individual files will be produced with names such as "[continuous number].MRDC.[in-series-image-number]".

To use the exported data, select the GE_HDXT_DICOM format in the DataType selection box in the Data Format tab of the TBV Settings dialog and follow the instructions in the Data type specific fields text box (see snapshot above). It describes as option 1 to specify a series folder that receives the exported data as the WatchFolder in the Folders tab. As the "note" points out, you need to start scanning the functional series before you can select the correct "s" folder since it is created only when the first images become available. In option 2, it is sufficient to select the subject's exam ("e") folder and Turbo-BrainVoyager will figure out automatically always the latest series folder. Note, however that one should start TBV just after starting the scan since TBV otherwise would eventually select the previous folder and not the newly created one. TBV checks for the series folder with the highest number right after clicking the red Start button.

The TBV settings (matrix size and number of slices) must fit the analyzed functional data. The values slice thickness, gap thickness and field-of-view will be retrieved from the DICOM header and need not to be specified. The matrix size is also retrieved from the header and compared with the entered matrix size. The only really critical value in the Data Format tab is the correct input of the NrOfSlices value.

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