Turbo-BrainVoyager v4.4
General Access Functions
void tGetVersionOfTBV(int *major, int *minor, int *subminor)
The "tGetVersionOfTBV" function returns the version of the running Turbo-BrainVoyager in the variables "Major", "Minor" and "SubMinor". Usually used in the "initPlugin()" function. The returned version values can be used to check whether the used version of TBV is recent enough to ensure that all TBV API functions used in the plugin are available. For this test, you can use the "checkVersionGreaterEqualVersion()" function, for details check the source code of the provided example plugins.
void tGetTBVPath(char *cTBVPath)
Use this function to retrieve the path to the folder containing the Turbo-BrainVoyager executable. On Windows, for example, this will typically result in a C string like "C:/Program Files/TurboBrainVoyager". Note that slashes are returned on all platforms in Unix convention (right slashes) and that the path does not end with a slash (except when a root directory is returned).
void tGetPluginsPath(char *cPluginsPath)
This function retrieves the path to the folder containing BrainVoyagerQX plugins. Use this function to find the location of your plugin and any subfolders (i.e. directories containing help files or resource files). On Windows, for example, this function will typically result in a C string like "C:/Documents and Settings/<User>/My Documents/BVQXExtensions/Plugins". Note that slashes are returned on all platforms in Unix convention (right slashes) and that the path does not end with a slash (except when a root directory is returned).
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