Turbo-BrainVoyager v4.4

Basic Project Functions

int tGetCurrentTimePoint()

Provides the number of the currently processed step during real-time processing as an integer. Note that the returned value is 1-based (in both the executePreStep() and executePostStep() functions), i.e. when the first step is processed the function returns "1" not "0"; this is important when the return value is used to access time-related information; in this case subtract "1" from the returned value.

int tGetExpectedNrOfTimePoints()

Provides the number of time points as an integer. The name contains the term "expected" since a real-time run might be interrupted by the user, i.e. this is the intended number of volumes as specified in the TBV settings file.

void tGetDimsOfFunctionalData(int &dim_x, int &dim_y, int &dim_z)

Provides the dimensions of the functional volumes; "dim_x" and "dim_y" are the dimensions of the slices constituting the volume and "dim_z" corresponds to the number of slices.

void tGetProjectName(char *cProjectName)

Provides the name of the project as specified in the TBV file as a C string; note that the provided pointer must point to a pre-allocated array that is large enough (a buffer of 100 bytes should be sufficient). The returned name can, for example, be used as part of names identifying exported data (see example "Export Volume Data" plugin).

void tGetWatchFolder(char *cWatchFolder)

Provides the path of the "watch folder" as specified in the TBV file as a C string; note that the provided pointer must point to a pre-allocated array that is large enough for the returned path (a buffer of 513 bytes is recommended).

void tGetTargetFolder(char *cTargetFolder)

Provides the path of the "target folder" as specified in the TBV file as a C string; note that the provided pointer must point to a pre-allocated array that is large enough for the returned path (a buffer of 513 bytes is recommended). The target folder can be used to export data for custom processing (see example "Export Volume Data" plugin).

void tGetFeedbackFolder(char *cFeedbackFolder)

Provides the path of the "feedback folder" as specified in the TBV file as a C string; note that the provided pointer must point to a pre-allocated array that is large enough for the returned path (a buffer of 513 bytes is recommended). The feedback folder can be used to store the result of custom calculations, e.g. providing custom input for the "Presenter" software tool.

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