Turbo-BrainVoyager v4.4

The Main Control Buttons

The most important options of the program are available with six basic buttons, Backward, Record, Forward, Reload Data, Auto-Advance and Auto-Start. Further options are available in the main menu, context menu, icons, and keyboard short cuts. For a detailed description of all functions, see sections Menu Functions and Keyboard and Mouse Functions.

Function of Main Buttons

Notes. The Backward and Forward buttons do only work if multiple intra-session TBV files have the correct numbering scheme at the end of a common file name as described above. A new TBV file (with or without a run numbering scheme) can always be loaded using the File > Open TBV File menu item or the Browse button next to the TBV settings file entry in the General tab of the TBV Settings dialog. If subsequent runs use the same parameters (number of slices, TR and so on), the easiest way to prepare the next run is to to save the current TBV file under a new name using the Save As button and then change only the necessary settings such as the correct series number of the expected data of the new run in the Data Format tab, the StimulationProtocol entry (if different), NrOfVolumes entry (if different). While the project name is automatically changed when using the Save As button, you may also adjust the ProjectName text in the Time Course tab. Note that you can prepare the TBV files for all planned runs of a scanning session ahead of time, e.g. during anatomical processing or after the localizer run. With a run numbering scheme, this allows to conveniently switch from one TBV file to the next but it is important to check that the correct series number is entered in the Data Format tab before starting real-time analysis.

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