Turbo-BrainVoyager v4.4

TBVJ Settings File

A .tbvj settings file contains all relevant information to analyze incoming functional data, including information about the scanner, number of data points (volumes), number of slices and matrix size. A .tbvj file can be created easily and will contain appropriate default values for most settings. Many scanner-related settings (e.g. data format) can be set once for your scanner and the resulting .tbvj file can be used (copied) for subsequent real-time runs and sessions. While the .tbvj file is human-readable and can be changed by opening it in a text (or JSON-aware) editor, a more convenient and safe way is to use the TBV Settings dialog.

When processing of a run is started, the program reads the specifications in the current .tbvj file and processes the incoming information accordingly. The following parameters can be defined in the TBVJ file in sub-sections corresponding to the tabs of the TBV Settings dialog. Note that omitted entries will be filled with default values. It is recommended to store referenced files in the same folder or in sub-folders with respect to the location of the .tbvj file since this allows to specify locations of referenced files with relative paths (i.e. file locations should begin with ./, see example below). This also makes a project relocatable, i.e. a prepared folder can be copied to a new location without breaking file references.

Below please find an example .tbvj file. Most entry names are the same as described for the TBV Settings dialog.

    "DataFormatInfo": {
        "DataType": "SIEMENS_DICOM_MOSAIC",
        "DicomFirstImageNr": 1,
        "DicomFirstVolumeNr": 1,
        "DicomNameDelimiter": "_",
        "DicomNameExtension": "dcm",
        "FirstFileName": "001_000001_000001.dcm",
        "FlipSliceOrderFuncData": true,
        "GapThickness": 1,
        "InplaneFoVX": 192,
        "InplaneFoVY": 192,
        "MatrixSizeX": 98,
        "MatrixSizeY": 98,
        "MosaicResolutionX": 686,
        "MosaicResolutionY": 686,
        "NrOfColumns": 7,
        "NrOfRows": 7,
        "NrOfSlices": 37,
        "SliceThickness": 3
    "FoldersInfo": {
        "FeedbackTargetFolder": "./FeedbackFolder/",
        "TargetFolder": "./TargetFolder/",
        "WatchFolder": "./Data/"
    "ForceTRDelay": false,
    "InplaneOverlayInfo": {
        "OverlayInplaneData": false,
        "OverlayOnCurrentEPI": true
    "OverlaySRFInfo": {
        "OverlayOnSRFMode": 0
    "OverlayVMRInfo": {
        "FMRVMRAlignVMRPosFile": "",
        "FlipSliceOrderInVolumeView": true,
        "IncludeFAStepForFMVMRCoreg": true,
        "IntraSessionVMRFile": "./IntraSession.vmr",
        "MNITransformationFile": "./IntraSession_IIHC_TO_MNI_a12.trf",
        "MNIVMRFile": "./IntraSession_IIHC_MNI.vmr",
        "OverlayMapsOnVMRBackground": true,
        "OverlayOnVMRMode": 4
    "RawDataBigEndian": 0,
    "ShowGODlgAfterPreparation": false,
    "StatisticsInfo": {
        "AddMotionParamsToDM": true,
        "AutoContrastGenerationLevel": 2,
        "ClusterSizePixels": 3,
        "ContrastFile": "",
        "DriftConfoundPredictors": 1,
        "IntraSessionMotionCorrection": false,
        "MotionCorrection": true,
        "MotionCorrectionWithSincResampling": true,
        "SpatialGaussianSmoothing": true,
        "SpatialSmoothingFWHM": 4,
        "Threshold": 5
    "TimeCourseInfo": {
        "InterSliceTime": 25,
        "MultiSliceROISelection": 3,
        "NrOfVolumes": 200,
        "NrOfVolumesToSkip": 0,
        "ProjectName": "MotorImagery_run1",
        "ROIColorsFile": "",
        "ShowDetrendedTCs": true,
        "SlicePrefix": "MotorImagery_run1-",
        "StimulationProtocol": "./MotorImagery.prt",
        "TR": 2000
    "TimeOutSeconds": 10,
    "Title": "MotorImagery_run-1",
    "Version": 6

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