Turbo-BrainVoyager v4.4

MasterTBV Files

Turbo-BrainVoyager is "bootstrapped" with a MasterTBV file, which must be located in the same directory as the Turbo-BrainVoyager executable. The master TBV file contains a few global display settings and it points to the last specified or used TBV settings file. A typical MasterTBV file looks like this:

FileVersion:               2
TBVSettingsDirectory:      "C:/TBV_RM_DATA/NicKil/"
TBVSettingsFile:           "NK_FFA_PPA_TAL-1.tbv"
AutoAdvanceRun:            0
AutoStartTBV:              0
WindowSize:                2
HorizontalWindowPosition:  Centered
VerticalWindowPosition:    Centered

The MasterTBV file is automatically updated when closing Turbo-BrainVoyager. Individual settings can be edited directly in the text file or, more conveniently, using the MasterTBV File dialog.

The FileVersion entry is only accessible in the file and must have value "2". The program looks for a TBV settings file, which provides detailed information about a particular run in a particular scanning session. A TBV settings file may be generated using the TBV Settings dialog by editing the file directly or by using custom code to generate it automatically. Turbo-BrainVoyager constantly "watches" the folder specified in the TBVSettingsDirectory to see whether a valid TBV file is available. The name of the specified TBV file may represent a pattern of file names the program is looking for. The file extension of a TBV file must be ".tbv". The file name is arbitrary but it is recommended to let it end with a (run) number preceded by a minus sign according to the scheme: "<name>-<nr>". In the example shown above, <name> corresponds to "NK_FFA_PPA_TAL" and <nr> corresponds to "1". Turbo-BrainVoyager watches the TBV directory for all TBV files with the specified <name> part and any positive integral number <n>. This number is also called the "run number" and allows to browse and view already analyzed data.

The AutoAdvanceRun and AutoStartTBV entries are usually not used. The AutoAdvanceRun entry specifies whether the program should switch to a newly available TBV file with a higher run number as soon as it becomes available. The AutoStartTBV entry specifies whether the current TBV settings file is executed immediately (value "1") or whether the user has first to click the Start button (value "0").

The two options HorizontalWindowPosition and VerticalWindowPosition can be used to position the program window at a certain fixed offset with respect to the left upper screen position. If instead of fixed numbers the text Centered is specified (recommended), the program window will be centered automatically on the screen.

The main window of the Mac OS X version of Turbo-BrainVoyager can be freely resized. The Windows and Linux versions, however, use two fixed screen sizes, which can be selected with the WindowSize entry. A value of "1" specifies a small window size (1024 x 768 pixels) and a value of "2" specifies a large window size (1280 x 1024 pixels).

NOTE: The program also looks for files with the ".mtbv" extension. These files specify multi-run analyses. Documentation of .mtbv files will be provided in a later release.

NOTE: A MasterTBV file as well as a TBV settings file may contain comments: All characters of a text line following (and including) the ";" character are ignored.

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